Arla Food for Health Newsletter – January 2019
Publish date: 04. June 2018
Funded projects 2019
In 2018, the Arla Food for Health Steering Committee decided to fund the project “The influence of maternal health on human breast milk composition with downstream effects on infant metabolism and gut colonization. MAINHEALTH” with PI Assistant Professor Ulrik K. Sundekilde from Department of Food Science, Aarhus University. We are in the process of finalizing the project plan and the contract.
Arla Food for Health Call 2019
We have decided to move the publication of the Arla Food for Health 2019 call to mid-May and the submission deadline for EoI to mid-September. We believe that would give the researchers more time to engage and discuss outside the summer holiday. Anja Serena from Global Nutrition Arla Food Amba will be the coordinator in framing the call with a group including all four partners in Arla Food for Health.
Arla Food for Health Conference 2019
As written in the previous newsletter, Arla Food for Health will host a conference on May 2nd 2019. The venue has changed to Bartholin Auditorium, Aarhus University.
We have decided to include a facilitated poster session and to invite scientists from the two universities. We will send out a call for posters in mid-February with a submission deadline of April 1st. Scientists associated with the AFH projects as well as scientists working in food science within the areas of prevention of metabolic disease, malnutrition or immunity (not associated with AFH projects) will be invited to submit an abstract. The abstracts will be reviewed and the scientists not associated with AFH projects who have their abstract selected will be invited to the conference. It is possible for the Principle Investigators to each bring 5 persons involved in the project (no requirement to have an abstract selected in order to participate).
Continuation of Arla Food for Health
The public-private partnership Arla Food for Health was agreed amongst the four entities for a period of 5 years. 2019 is the last year of this initial period. The discussions of continuation of Arla Food for Health have started and a sponsor meeting will be scheduled in April to discuss amongst the sponsors from the four entities.
People news
Kasper Faarkrog Høyer has recently been employed in Global Nutrition, Arla Foods Amba. He will help with administrative work in Arla Food for Health going forward. Please help us to welcome him. Kasper has a MSc in Molecular Medicine and he is experienced in clinical research and rodent metabolic research.