Arla Food
For Health

Arla Food for Health is a public-private research partnership between the University of Copenhagen, Aarhus University, Arla Foods Amba and Arla Foods Ingredients. Both universities are international leaders within the fields of dairy and health.  Arla Foods Ingredients is market leader within dairy ingredients and a subsidiary to dairy cooperative Arla Foods Amba, which is owned by 11,200 farmers and one of the world’s largest dairies. Arla Food for Health is founded on four pillars, all  working towards a vision of:

“Discovering health effects of dairy and dairy ingredients”

Partnership. Based on  solid traditions within food science and health in Denmark, we have created a strong interdisciplinary partnership between the two largest Danish universities and Arla. ​

World-class research. We generate research results applying the latest technologies to pave the way for insights and new foods and nutrition solutions to make a difference to peoples’ health and create value for the parties involved.​

Talent development. We create opportunities for brilliant researchers within dairy and health sciences to develop their talent and reach their potential to ensure both scientific progress and a critical mass of talents and experts within this area in the future.

Spreading knowledge. We communicate all of our scientific research to inspire further research and to inform national authorities and the public with an ambition to help consumers to make healthy, sustainable dietary choices that support long, active lives.

AFH Conference 2024

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Arla Food for Health awards 10 million Danish kroner (1.3 mio EUR) each year, financed by Arla Foods. Aarhus University and the University of Copenhagen contribute with co-financing by providing employees and infrastructure such as laboratories and offices.

The strategic research supported by Arla Food for Health is always fully transparent and independent.​ When evaluating which projects to fund, our external Scientific Advisory Board plays a central role evaluating and ranking all the applications based on scientific quality and relevance. Only applications evaluated “above good” by the external Scientific Advisory Board will be further considered by the Steering Committee with regard to alignment with scope of the call​ and potential for scientific progress and impact.


Partnership agreement

Arla Food for Health Partnership agreement


You can download a presentation of Arla Food for Health here. For a detailed storyline and full speaker’s notes, please send an email to


Read the case study from the Innovation Capability Assessment performed by The Innovation Board to get a better understanding of why Arla Food for Health has got off to such a good start – which it has compared to the majority of similar open innovation initiatives.
